Sewanee Mountain Grotto is one of the most active survey
groups in TAG, surveying
over 38 caves so far. We welcome all cavers to learn survey
and cartography techniques that will contribute to the science of
What makes our survey group unique is not just the camaraderie we share
above and below ground, but our desire to teach others how to survey.
Our core group of surveyors remains constant, but new surveyors are
introduced to all aspects of survey, including sketching and producing
maps. Often our survey trips include at least two teams of surveyors,
thus encouraging more participation by cavers and greater efficiency in
completing survey projects. The ultimate goal of Sewanee Mountain
Grotto is to survey
caves throughout TAG with Grade 5 standards, teaching others to survey
and producing legible maps that benefit cavers.
Our first grotto survey project was Red Trillium
Cave in Grundy County, TN which saw a cave that was estimated at 3,500
feet be surveyed to over a mile in length. Additional projects include
Horseshoe Bend Pit, which was re-discovered during a grotto and SKTF
clean-up. Previously estimated at less than 100 feet in length, our
survey crew carefully mapped over a mile of pristine virgin passage in
Horseshoe Bend Pit, ultimately publishing the results of our efforts in
the NSS
We have also went on to survey Solution Rift,
Doodlebug Hole, The Hell Sucker, Wonder Cave, and are currently
surveying Gourdneck
Cave. Our cumulative effort for survey projects has produced over 50
maps for the TAG region. Grotto members have also been very busy
helping Ben Miller with his DPAS project to map the deeper unmapped
pits in Tennessee. Collectively, the group has surveyed more than two
vertical miles.